2021 Planetary Health Annual Meeting and
it's time to celebrate human connections.
The theme of the conference will be Planetary Health for All: Bridging Communities to Achieve the Great Transition. Why? Because we understand that all voices need to be heard in order to ensure the planet, its natural systems, and all life thrives for generations to come. We are all part of the solution and therefore we need contributions from all parts of the globe to inspire our endeavor of Bridging Communities to Achieve the Great Transition.
The information below is a high level summary of all of the conference's festival events. Full details and descriptions can be found on the schedule within the conference's online platform, which is accessible once attendees have registered. Register here to access this information, begin signing up for events, and more! If you have already registered, access the platform.
April 26th, 2021 - Day 1
15:00-15:05, BRT: FE15.1 - A Mensagem do Xamã com Davi Kopenawa (The Shaman's Message with Davi Kopenawa)
15:00-15:10, BRT: FE15.2 - Marivelton Baré e Orquestra Multiétnica (Marivelton Baré and Multi-Ethnic Orchestra)
15:55-16:00, BRT: FE01 - A(terrar): the urgency of expressing a world that is quick changing.
17:50-18:10, BRT: FE02 - The Great Transition Within.
19:00-19:10, BRT: FE06 - In the Movements of the Earth.
April 27th, 2021 - Day 2
10:45-10:55, BRT: FE15.3 - Iran Neves Ordonio e A Floresta Cura (Iran Neves Ordonio and The Healing Forest)
14:30-14:40, BRT: FE15.4 - Edson Kayapó e Mekaron - A Imagem da Alma (Edson Kayapó and Mekaron - The Image of the Soul)
14:40-14:50, BRT: FE15.5 - Ibã Sales Huni-Kuin
16:30-16:55, BRT: FE04 - Nature & Music: A Short Art Song Recital
18:30-20:00, BRT: FE05 - Sound art online installation (first emergence).
April 28th, 2021 - Day 3
19:30-19:45, BRT: FE12.1 - Indigenous Village Renaissance "Agroecology and Sustainability" / Aldeia indigena Renascer "Agroecologia e Sustentabilidade".
19:45-20:00, BRT: FE12.2 - Earth Renaissance: Meeting with Tekoa / Terra Renascer: de encontro com o Tekoa.
20:00-21:00, BRT: FE10 - Terraqueous Meditations: a musical journey in Tietê River.
April 29th, 2021 - Day 4
10:40-10:50, BRT: FE15.6 - Rodrigo Prates Junqueira e Vídeo Povos da Floresta (Rodrigo Prates Junqueira and Forest Peoples Video)
10:50-11:00, BRT: FE03 - A Planetary Health Model in South East Madagascar: community led solutions to protect the Manombo Special Reserve.
15:00-16:00, BRT: FE07 - Cooking together to celebrate Planetary Diversity.
19:00-19:15, BRT: FE08 - Sound art collaborative online installation.
April 30th, 2021 - Day 5
10:50-11:00, BRT: FE15.7 - Tawanã Kariri-Xocó Fulkaxó e Cristine Takuá
14:00-14:10, BRT: FE16 - Para onde vamos? (in Portuguese)
14:00-14:10, BRT: FE16 - Where are we going?
14:00-14:10, BRT: FE16 - ¿Para donde vamos? (In Spanish)
14:00-14:10, BRT: FE16 - Wo Gehen Wir Hin? (In German)
14:55-15:05, BRT: FE11 - We Regenerate Rainforests.
14:55-15:00, BRT: FE15.8 - Bro Mcs
16:30-17:30, BRT: FE09 - Communicating the impacts of climate change through arts and dance.
18:15-19:30, BRT: FE14 - Yoga for Planetary Health